Locust Report – 21/08/23

Hi Everyone

Well it was the absolute perfect day to core the greens with sunshine and little wind. Jake from the green shed had walked the course and completed the core by 12:30 and the large crew of locusts and green shed staff had raked and shoveled the cores away by 1pm. Rolling and sanding of the greens had commenced by the green shed staff.

I would like to thank the Locusts as well as Tony Lloyd and Kevin Ish for their assistance. See attached photo of work being carried out.

Another Locust hard at work was Maurie Rivett who was painting the patio deck outside the restaurant. Exceedingly professional as he had no paint on his clothing.

Special thanks to the “butterflies”, Margaret Hogan and Deb McDermott for the morning tea nourishment. It would be a debate whether the Locusts put on or lost weight during the day.

Club house painters and Cheerio were also hard at work. Cheerio had commence work on the RHS of 7th.


Trevor Jay (Chief Locust)